Thursday, July 8, 2021

Another great day

Up and went to IG with Missy.  All three kids had haircuts. I visited Dose.  At home Denny was scraping the CSA barn.  He cleaned the smoker.  After we got back from haircuts Missy took the boys to Arthur.  Miki and Anabel helped me by picking and putting together flowers.  I went to Study at Ginny's and came home in time to take the girls to Arthur for a time with Master's girls.   At night Denny grilled steaks for supper.  YUM!!!  It was so nice just visiting with Missy and Phillip.  Evan was at Larsons, Brooks was spending the night at Boyles, Anabel was at Masters.   Quiet around the home.   Matt's family celebrated being in Minnesota one year at Valley Fair. 

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