Friday, July 30, 2021

Grands … smoked meat … pickleball people plus

 Fun day!!!  I got a few groceries and the played pickleball 8-10.  Karen, and2 were at Pete and Carol’s so I stopped for a cup of coffee.  At home the pork butt was smoking, Denny had started it last night, low temp and slow using bbq sauce from Hendersons.    I planted free flowers, husked the corn from Goldsmiths, etc. made mint lemonade, washed tabled, and then we napped for about an hour.   Kathy and Clayton, Marilyn and Steve, Brenda and Mike, Lynn S/N, Pete and Carol, Karen, Rose and Lincoln, Denny and me and our 3 airbnbers, A Dora, Jessica's and Trevina, Total 17 area great potluck meal.  Corn, green beans, cukes, peach pie, fat bars, watermelon and blueberries, pesto, cowboy caviar, and smoked pork butt.  SO GOOD!!  For me it kinda felt like a 3 ring circus.    We were one patio ... it rained ... we went to coop ... All arrived ... people went thru food line in the sunroom.  Some sat out side ... some in coop ... It rained ... all moved into the coop.  There were three varied groups invited.  But in the end all meshed okay.  Pickle ball people ... our family  ...  especially the Grands ... our airbnbers.   Life is always interesting.  And I hope all had a good time ... I know they had good food!!!

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