Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Pickleball mow paint

The rain last night sounded so wonderful!!!   We needed it.  Phillip went about 8 to visit with Pastor Dave, Missy was going to meet OA teachers for coffee.  It was too wet to paint or mow, I went to play pickle ball with 6 others at the rec center.   It was very fun.  I came home about the same time Missy got to the farm and about the same time Denny started pole sawing low tree branches and Brooks and Anabel drove the branches away with the 4 wheeler.  Denny started Anabel mowing, then I took over mowing and Denny went to paint with Brooks.  Pizza with Luann and Shiga's family and nephew.  It was so great to have them here.  LOVE that family.  

I definitely needed a boost.  It has been about 18 months since I started IF and not really any change for last 6 -8 months.  Thanks to Mrs. Watt teacher in N. for encouragement. 

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