Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Wow another great day in NE Iowa!!

Up with coffee-to-go look at stuff at Craigs.   I found a rocker I may get for the porch.  Next 2 hours of pickleball in Decorah .  It wa so much fun!!  Next to Bev and Merle's acreage.  SO nice. Then we took a ride thru Bluffton and stopped at Craig's Silver Creek before eating lunch at Keiths.  It was so pretty on their upper Deck.  We just visited and from 4-6 we played more pickleball.  Gail gave everyone quilts, SO nice.  Jane had made lasagna for us at 7.  Nice time.  We spent the evening on Keith's ;patio.  Three deer walked along the corn field 30 feet from where we were.  Great day.  Denny spent most of the day working with Mike W. and getting the electricity going in the campsite and the bunkhouse.  

If you watch HGTV too long, you’ll become dissatisfied with your home.
If you stay on social media too long, you’ll become dissatisfied with your life.
If you watch the news too long, you’ll become dissatisfied with the world.
Read any book.
Spend time with loved ones.
Take a walk.
Our minds are easily influenced, but we control what the influences are. Choose wisely.

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