Friday, July 16, 2021

July 15 Cherokee fun!!

I didn't sleep well last night.   Nothing new.  I loaded the Prius with flowers, etc and went to Lisa's Youth group garage sale before heading to Cherokee.  I hung out with Mandy and boys until she left for work. The am went quickly with boys playing in the house until about 11 and then we went outside.  Mac and Cheese for lunch and after Jason left the boys napped until 4:30.  About 1:30 Jack was still awake and so I lay down in his bed with him.  Lay Still....  I awoke at 4:30. Wonderful nap.   The water sprayer is a hit!At home Denny was getting ready for Z Johnsons family weekend tasks.   The CSA has primer and all boards have been repaired.  

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