Sunday, July 4, 2021

Thank you, Jesus!!!

I went to the Palmer church after dropping off flowers at Arthur.  Brooks and Anabel went with me and we got donuts and juice at Sparkies for the ride.    It was really a nice service and so good to hear Phillip preach.  Laurie and Alan were at her folks farm and came for the service also.  Jodi H. was at that church and Madison S. her daughter came to visit then service for the first time.  Fun surprise to see IG people there.  They served hot dogs after church.  Missy rode back with me and we stopped at a grocery store.   Denny was getting ready to smoke pork butt.  Arthur church handed out water bottles at the parade in Battle Creek.   When we got home I transferred my stuff to the bunk house.  Zurbriggens were at the farm when we got home.  Lotsa activity with 8 kids that are growing up.  Denny and I spent our first night in the bunk house.  SWEET!!!  , good to have another adventure with my husband.  

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