Saturday, July 31, 2021

Praise concert

 Up and sooner or later I started the dishwasher.  Nice sister phone call.   We spent the morning cleaning the airbnb.   At 3 I went to play pickleball with Shawn, Jennifer, Lynn and Tim.  3 was too hot for me.   A couple times I got light headed.  After I got home I put together flowers and we went to the outside concert at Leslie and John G.  It was really nice.  Nice weather/praise/music/people.  Thank you Jesus!!!

My friend Carol Johnson
This is My story! So many miracles. Healed miraculously of rheumatoid AND psoriatic arthritis which crippled me in absolute agony and constant pain at 38. Absolutely confounded the rheumatologist and other specialists I saw at the Mayo Clinic. No meds. No treatment. Just time, praise and God’s word. Complete healing .So thankful!!!
First before that I was healed of severe heart trouble to live a normal life at age 10 after 3 years of not being able to attend full days in school from age 6 to 9. Rheumatic fever at age six left me with two significant heart murmurs and a very compromised heart. So I had to stay home all year for first grade and second grade some of third grade but got to go 1/2 days in fourth grade and finally (hooray!!)full days in fifth grade. Thank goodness I love to read and study on my own. So I was able to keep up with my school work on my own. But being sick and weak for much of my childhood was not great.
Had some heart issues over the years but was mostly good until extreme symptoms caused an emergency visit to Sanford Heart hospital due to really weird pains and very strange heart rhythms at age 65. Many tests all showed some pretty terrible problems. But after a night of prayer with my family and me speaking God’s word and promises for healing all night I went in for a procedure that involved a live video feed from camera put into my heart through veins in my wrist area. Pretty stressful but I just knew God had shown up once again for me.
When cardiologist came in as I lay on gurney ready to go into surgical suite he asked what I felt like and what I thought they would find. I said my heart is healed and you will see that my heart is beautiful. He just smiled and said “I hope you are right.” They rolled me in and put me on surgical bed. Prepped me and started procedure. Imagine my joy when he said in kind of an awe-filled voice a few moments later while looking at live video images of my heart and all its chambers… “You are right…- “your heart is beautiful!”
My family, waiting with trepidation in Surgical waiting room was shocked when cardiac surgeon came out in minutes instead of what they had been told could take hours as they attempted to fix my heart. What they heard was good news from my very happy, surprised and confused cardiologist/surgeon telling them my heart was just fine. What a miracle!!! So thankful!!!
So I am happy every day I get to wake up pain-free with my heart beating nicely. I am so thankful for God’s goodness and mercy and the absolute power of Jesus’ amazing blood!!!

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