Monday, July 19, 2021


Left home about 4 and got to Decorah about  8.  I went straight to the pickleball court and played until about 10.  It was sunny and hot and I felt the need to rest and drink water.  From there I went to the Depot, thru downtown, to seed Saver and another place.  Then to Jane and Keith's to unload and take a rest nap for about 15 minutes.  I went out to tour with Keith and then when Bill, Sandy and Bruce came we played pickleball in the Shed until 4 or 5.  Bev and Merle came to visit.  When they left to golf we went to Burr Oak and ordered from Barney's.  While the food was being   fixed we toured the Art on the corner lot.  So fun to see.  Te meal was great.  Bruce made a fire at his home afterward.  

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