Friday, October 29, 2021

Borrowed Real's car

 At 8 I woke up to a bad dream, because I turned on the book when I woke at 3 and I sadly left the book on while I drifted back to sleep.   I was dreaming and REALLY trying to SHUT that noisy book off.  Uffda!!!  How can I only be only 62% done with this book.  I really don't like it, but I am having a hard time "stopping listening to any book" and just returning it.  It was beautiful out on the deck this am.   Barb M came to show me how to get Nancy's tv on the park stations, no luck. Denny called and we talked thru food he could fix when Lynn and Jane visit this noon.   I went to Reals to check on their progress and asked if I could borrow their car.  I went to CVS by home Depot and got my Moderna booster shot, then walk thru Home Depot, next the thrift store on Minnesota, Dollar Tree stores, water $1 jug, and I got potatoes and a small watermelon at the near by vegetable stand.  Quite the shopping trip.  Back at the park the tree is being trimmed.  I named the winner of the circumference guess.  

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