Thursday, October 7, 2021

IG Homecoming Parade

I took a cold medicine about 1 am ... and slept until 8.  Now that's a record!  Denny was feeling l little better this am.  After hearing that his tummy was still not feeling the best ... my tummy started to not feel the best so I fixed some peanut butter toast and milk.  Denny left to go mow for Larsons and I went out to sand a couple more boards in the bunk house.   I put together 2 bunches of flowers for the airbnb and turned on lights downstairs.  At 1 I had a dermatology appointment with Crystal..  Then to Ginny's for study.  I called Susan after I got groceries and we went to the homecoming parade together.  We sat with Luann and Henderson.  At home I worked on the blog.  Denny had put in 13 hours working for Larsons.  

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