Monday, October 11, 2021

Friends in Missouri Valley Faith = Fantastic Adventures in Trusting HIM.

Wonderful day!!!  I went out to sand ... only 6 boards left.  I used all my belted sandpaper.  I left for MV at 8:30, wondering if I should drive alone, or if I should have rides with Susan and Teresa.  Mandy tested us asking if we could use the truck to pick up a bunk bed in Odebolt at 5 pm.  It was a confirmation to me that "Yes, I should be driving alone".  I could drive home thru Denison and get sandpaper at WalMart AND go north and exchange the Prius for the Pickup at Larsons shop site south of Kiron.  Thank you Jesus for showing me that it was good I drove to Missouri Valley.  I got there at 9:45 and met Kathy and Susan and Teresa at 10.  We went to a chilly park until the Pizza Ranch opened at 11.  Great food!!  Great time talking to long time Friends.   SO GOOD!!!   Susan gifted the book , Kathy gifted a cloth stuffed pumpkin,  I gave them mittens that Nancy had made.  We just talked and talked until 2:30, leaving a good tip.  On the way home I stopped to get oranges and bread for Denny plus the sandpaper.  I got the pickup and made it to Odebolt by 5 to get the bunk bed for the Cook boys.  

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