Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Wake up to 75 degrees

Beautiful morning made better by Denny calling and telling me "Good morning!!"   Jerry and Nick came over to check out the progress of the tree.  From the work done today (one trailer load taken out in the 3-4 hours they were in the park with no visible on-the-ground progress made)  It will take a while, a LONG while:)  Mon yawn na   At 9 I rode with Finchers  to Harlingen in their new mobile home.   At 12:30 Karen gave me a ride to the Island to go to lunch at Tom and Jerry's with 12 other gals from the park.  Nice time, good food.     It's 5 pm, and 86 degrees, I am sitting in the south east corner of the deck with some shade from the small orange tree and a slight breeze.  Lovely.  As I was walking to the card room to get better internet reception I stopped to visit with Tom and Luann.  They are staying until after Christmas and then they have sold their home to Roberta and Dan.  I will miss them. 

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