Sunday, October 3, 2021

Memorial for Paul T

Nancy watched church on tv and I watched Candlewood in my room.  Paul's memorial was north of Dane Airport in an outside VFW building.  They served a nice lunch and at 1 friends, family and coworkers took turns speaking into a mike.  T'was good to be there to here so many nice things said about Paul.  We left and headed to  Hanna's.  We had taken salsa and chips and blueberry sauce that Nancy had me fix using blueberries that 'scotta go.   They had just gotten home fro Maggies" soccer game and headed to Molly's swimming lesson in an hour.  Nice visit.  Molly and Maggie played the ukulele and piano.  At Nancy's apartment we chilled and then started on "Nancy going thru some boxes and me putting the stuff she unearthed where she would like it."  Nice day

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