Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 Full day!!!  I went to OGT about 7:45.  Such a nice group of people to work with.  I went to play pickleball for about half an hour.  At 11 I went to pick up Laura.  We joined Susan and Peggy W. for lunch at the bowling alley.  I complimented Dana the cook and asked him about his HS cooking teacher:).   I took Laura home and we and Isabel walked to HS in preparation for Laura teaching this fall.  I came home and we mowed the lawn.  When we finished I texted Lynn and she and Toshi joined us rocking on the porch.  'Twas good to catch up with them.  


Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day 2022

Thank you Jesus for the many who died to gift us the freedom that we have in the country.  I can never repay the sacrifice that you made.  Thank you especially those in my family that served.  Maynard Newhouse, Craig Newhouse, Bruce Henderson, Betsy Newhouse.  Thank you.  

I had thought I wanted to to the the nice service that they have at the skate Palace, but instead I stayed home and we (Denny) worked on finishing the paneling of the north wall and the east stairway wall in the bunk house.  At 5 we went to Rhybergs to help with putting labels on 6,00 water bottles for the 3 parades in our community.  Then we drove to the Kiron Cemetery to visit Howard and Anabel's grave sites.  

Kiron Cemetary
Stairway done ....
East wall done,,,,
Church family working in Rhybergs' shed.  


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Heading home

 Fishing (watching fishing) with Bruce.  He got his limit of 5 trout.  We went to the cemetery before I went to Keiths for another cup of coffee, shower, and playing pickleball.  On the way to Floyd I drove by Mugs and stopped to give her a sweatshirt in memory of her brother.  We met Lia's parents for lunch in Mason City.  

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Visiting La Crosse

 I went fishing/watching fishing with Bruce at Peterson Creek.  Pretty trout stream with horses in the pasture.   He bought his limit of 5, we delivered them to the pond then  stopped at Crag's to visit.  Lia, kids and I left to visit Lia's brother who is in Gunderson Hospital after a car accident 2 weeks ago.  Lia and  Jacob went into his room.  Julia and I went to the farmer's market and walked thru some downtown stores.    Then we picked up the other 2 and ate at Taco Johns.  After lunch Julie joined her mom to visit her uncle and Jacob and I went down town.  We walked thru some stores- Duluth Trading company- and then went to an arcade.  He beat me at just about everything.  Bowling, motorcycle races, BUT I did beat him at the first game of Skeball.  On the way home we drove past North Winn school and stopped at What's New.  Next was a couple games of pickleball, then quick drive thru Burr Oak, Bluffton, get Casey's pizza and take it to Dunning Spring.  It is so pretty there.  Then back to the shed, more pickleball, bonfire at Bruce's, and head to bed.  Nice day.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Full Day Heading north

 I was up and heading to IG around 8.  I bought a wooden box at Doses, then went to play pickleball.  I called Storm Lake Walmart and made an appointment for a hair cut.  And so she did.  Really cut it short, but that's okay.  Denny was home getting the airbnb ready.  He tried to get the 72 out of the machine shed. Lia came to get me to drive to NE Iowa about 5.  We got to Bruces and sat around the fire around 9:45.  Clausens stayed in the Shed, I stayed in Keith and Jane's guest room.  It was so good to visit with Keith and Jane in their living room.  

Thursday, May 26, 2022

More work on the bunkhouse

 Both of us were awake early.  Surprise!  We started working on putting on the paneling under the stairway and along the steps.  Next big job was making a box to cover the 4 inch pipe.  Denny was so patient and detail oriented.  Gotta luv that guy!!  Nice bunch for Bible study Teresa, Susan, Judy, Pat, Melissa and her mom Ginny,Mary Kay, Sharon and me.  After they left Denny came in and napped while I made pizza.  I'm really thrilled about the progress of the bunkhouse.  



Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Cherokee Cook kids

 Up and heading north by 6:30.  It's gonna be a fun day.  About 9 the boys and I went to the wellness center, I played pickleball for a little over an hour, the boys played in the corner of the room by the courts.  We played in the glass racket ball courts, went to get donuts at Caseys.  Fay called and she said there were about 8 stems of asparagus growing from the ones that we dug up.  She was SO Happy!!  I stopped at New Leaf and got 4 floral napkins and a tray.  We came home and fixed mac and cheese for lunch.  We sent messages to Brooks for graduation from 5th grade.   Jan stopped over and I helped her make some collages with pictures from a friend get together.  It has been rainy all day.  

Tuesday, May 24, 2022


 I picked asparagus before heading into OGT.  Back at home Denny was tilling and and seeding the space between the 2 asparagus rows.  I visited with Jesse our airbnb guest and showed her around the acreage.  It was a quiet day.  We watched TV at night.  I saw this sign and thought of me and my sisters and friends.



Monday, May 23, 2022

I'm Keen on Keenagers

Up, coffee, devo, headed in to IG at 8.  I got a hose nozzle/ polyeuathane for bunk house floor, and some wire to hang a heavy mirror.  Then pickleball from 8:30-9:30.  Golf was at Spring Lake.  I played with Noni B eck er from Wall Lake and had a really fun round.  We didn't shoot the best, in fact we had the score of 6 for 5 holes in a row.  Total score was 48 which was good enough to place first and take home the big winnings of $6 for each of us.  I went to Thistle down and spent my $.  Good to keep it in the neighborhood.  At home Denny had gone to town and got the missing parts for the upstairs sink.  TWO sinks working in the bunkhouse.  Denny planted the garden behind the bunkhouse and I planted the rest of the flowers I had started from seed.  Then we mowed.  We stopped working about dark.  Another nice day in Iowa.  

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Home on a Sunday

 I slept a lot last night.  Nice slow morning.  I love to go to our church with a great SS class, people, and lots of youth taking part in the service and gathering/visiting before and after.  In the afternoon we napped and I worked on planting some of the seedlings I started in cubes.  It was so good to get that done.  I still have some more left to find homes for, but hopefully there will be warmer days ahead.   I found a couple pictures of Luke working on bunk house upstairs.  


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Happy Birthday, Denny!!!

 Slow getting up this am, quiet house.  Tyler was sleeping in our closet and he was still, so I was still.  About 6:45 we snuggled in the rocker and then heard jack and got him up.  Denny was in the sunroom and we joined him.  We had a sister's phone call,  Matt called, Denny fixed breakfast and Branson's and Cook's enjoyed.  Tyler and Jack helped to put frosting on Denny's German chocolate cake and we put birthday candles and sang,  Branson's left for a wedding in Adair.  Cooks (ie Jason)  helped make a fire pit by campgrounds; then he cleaned out the eaves troughs.   We had some lunch, naps, looked at photo albums, and then they headed north.  Wonderful birthday for Denny.  It started about Wednesday thru today.  


Friday, May 20, 2022

Friday fun


Fix sausage and biscuits 


Town /asparagus 


Thursday, May 19, 2022


 I fixed scrambled eggs for the family and friends.  Gail, I and 2 Bruces headed in to  play pickleball in IG.  SO much fun!  Then boys went golfing at Carroll.  The girls went shopping.  First to J and J, then to Carroll.  Fun time with Fay, Jean Gail and myself.  We ate Chinese and then headed home.  Mark P. from 4 seasons came for supper also.  At night we sat around the fire pit.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Friends arrive

 Pickleball at 8:30.  Fay and Jerry were at the farm when I got home.