Saturday, May 21, 2022

Happy Birthday, Denny!!!

 Slow getting up this am, quiet house.  Tyler was sleeping in our closet and he was still, so I was still.  About 6:45 we snuggled in the rocker and then heard jack and got him up.  Denny was in the sunroom and we joined him.  We had a sister's phone call,  Matt called, Denny fixed breakfast and Branson's and Cook's enjoyed.  Tyler and Jack helped to put frosting on Denny's German chocolate cake and we put birthday candles and sang,  Branson's left for a wedding in Adair.  Cooks (ie Jason)  helped make a fire pit by campgrounds; then he cleaned out the eaves troughs.   We had some lunch, naps, looked at photo albums, and then they headed north.  Wonderful birthday for Denny.  It started about Wednesday thru today.  


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