Saturday, May 14, 2022


 We didn't have any major plans for today but to buy bacon at Tiefenthaler's.  AND we did.  At 8 am as the doors opened.  and there were 6 other purchasers before us.  Next we headed to Mandy and Jasons'.  The boys had a gymnastic "recita"l at Marcus.   The boys did great.  Why do I puddle up when I watch gymnastics.  Well, may be not with the littles, but I love to see the more advanced gymnastics to music!  We went to a park while Denny took Jason to Orange City to get their RV.  Then we ate lunch at their house.  Jan and John came also.  Before heading home we stopped at Bomgaars and we stopped at Arthur to go to Kally H. Graduation party.  Another great day!!


This is not my story:

FACEBOOK WRITING:I don’t share much about my own children here. I’m private and stingy about the people closest to me, but I want to tell you something. 

One of my kids had a birthday this week. You know how we mamas are with birthday mornings. I woke up early and put balloons in her room. A little Happy Birthday sign on her door. I had a few pressies ready. I sang while she rolled her eyes a bit, but I could see she loved every minute. It’s her special day. The day she was born, after all. On the drive to school I realized I hadn’t bought or made any treats for her to bring to school. But she’s a teen. Teens don’t like to draw attention to themselves. Especially when parents are involved. “Do you want me to get cupcakes? Doughnuts?” I asked and she shook her head. 

I was worried. She’s my quiet one. Timid. Would anyone at school remember? Birthdays feel so big when you’re young and it feels so nice to be remembered.  My loud and bold baby girl had me buy her a dollar store crown to wear on her birthday. I drew the line at the sash and scepter. She was born knowing how to celebrate herself and being people into the festivities. But this child is a bit more like me. She won’t say anything but might feel sad and I imagined her slowly wilting over the day. So I did the thing I do when my heart’s yearnings surpass my sphere of control…I prayed. It was a simple prayer for her to have a good day and be seen by her friends. After school my shy one entered the car buzzing with joy. Not only had two of her friends remembered her birthday and brought her a present, one friend went to Walmart at lunch (they’re in high school), bought a card and had her classmates sign it.  I was speechless. We as a society praise people a lot for their accomplishments. We praise the children who are talented, exceptional musicians, artists, and at the top of their class. We’re impressed by the well-spoken kids, the early readers, the athletes.  We marvel at trophies and out of state competitions. But you know the ones I appreciate the most? The ones this world needs the most? The kind. The kind will keep us going. I love the kind children so much. The kind are changing lives and helping the unseen know they matter. The kind, with their simple actions and tender hearts, bring light to dark corners and chase away the shadows. They prove the storm cloud thoughts wrong with their sunshine. 

Talents are wonderful but the kind children are it for me. They’re my favorites because of the warmth they share.  May we raise kind hearted and tender people. The flowers of this Earth. How precious they are. 

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