Monday, May 2, 2022

Annual Bruce Henderson Relays

 Up for devo, coffee,  I left for Atlantic about 8.  It was a great day. Todd and Julia got to Atlantic in the morning.  Gail and I took Hope swimming at the Y in the morning.  Bruce had ordered pizza for lunch for all of us.  We played pickleball from 1-3.  When we got home Scott and Beth were there.   Micki and Brad brought cosco sandwiches, etc for a quick supper before the ceremony where Bruce was recognized by naming the Atlantic Trojan track Meet after him.  I would imagine there were about 200 people in the auditorium.  The relays had been canceled because of the weather; the crowd that had met gave lots of accolades for Bruce and Gail and his coaches.  T shirts for family and friends, medals for many.  I left when the celebration was over about 6:30.  Denny had been home all day working on airbnb business, instructions for TV, new pictures on site.  Planning out water lines for bunkhouse.  Good day!!


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