Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy mother's day to Mom, miss you.....

Nice rain .6 of an inch.  Coffee, devo, catch up on blog.  Bruce N. wished me HMD!  After F&F said HMD, then Denny wished me Happy Mother's day:) Missy called and we had a great visit.  God citing:  Josie and?Mark have a new son.  They have been in the States and are SO happy to have a baby.  Sunday School was a sweet coffee time. Kathi J. brought treats and 12+ of us sat around the table.  Quincy received her Timothy award that she worked so hard for and didn't get at the time because of Covid.  After church we met Cooks in Storm Lake.  Jason treated us to brunch at BV university.  Jason and Mandy had some things to do at her office and so we took the boys shopping at Dollar General.  After we got home we looked around the farm and found a water tank for water supply in bunkhouse.  Lord, guide as we keep progressing on the bunkhouse.  Great phone calls from Missy, Luke and Matt.  Thank you Lord for these blessing from you.  We ordered 2 sinks and faucets for bunk house.  


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