Saturday, May 7, 2022

Denny's siblings meet in Omaha

I went to prayer time at Steph B. at 6:30.  There were 4 of us there. Kelly, Steph, Kendall, and me.  Good way to start the day.  Rose had thought about coming out to the farm, but I told her ... another time.  She may help with dry walling.  Denny washed the pickup and I picked asparagus.  At 11 we drove to Diane and Jays. Linda and Dean were already there and Kim and Gary came in about 15 minutes.  Wonderful dinner, smoked brisket, party potatoes, buns, fruit salad, 7 layer lettuce salad,  chilled asparagus, 7 layer jello salad, and lemon pie for dessert.  Diane and Jay had a basket of questions for family discussion.  After we left there we stopped at Tom and Luann's.  It was good to see them.  We got home about 8:30. 


Kentucky derby hat winner at 4seasons:

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