Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Cherokee boys

 I got up for devo, coffee, empty dishwasher, fold clothes, shower, clean kitchen and out the door by 6:30. I took Jack to preschool at 8.  Tyler and I went to the wellness center and he played on his Clifford blanket while I played Pickleball.  Then to HyVee, and Bomgaars, and school to pickup.  Th boys were a little apprehensive about meeting Grandma ChoCho at Fudd on Main.  Would Jack's cowboy boot get too muddy to wear to preschool???  Jan had coloring books and the boys kept occupied with their coloring and chocolate milk.  I stopped at Arthur on the way home and went to Merle and Audry's celebration on life.  At home Denny was working with putting in the on demand hot water heater.  He had to go to IG for more 90 degree elbows.  I worked on pictures of bunkhouse transformation for Questers that are coming on May 10.  

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