Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day 2022

Thank you Jesus for the many who died to gift us the freedom that we have in the country.  I can never repay the sacrifice that you made.  Thank you especially those in my family that served.  Maynard Newhouse, Craig Newhouse, Bruce Henderson, Betsy Newhouse.  Thank you.  

I had thought I wanted to to the the nice service that they have at the skate Palace, but instead I stayed home and we (Denny) worked on finishing the paneling of the north wall and the east stairway wall in the bunk house.  At 5 we went to Rhybergs to help with putting labels on 6,00 water bottles for the 3 parades in our community.  Then we drove to the Kiron Cemetery to visit Howard and Anabel's grave sites.  

Kiron Cemetary
Stairway done ....
East wall done,,,,
Church family working in Rhybergs' shed.  


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