Sunday, June 25, 2023

Alta church visit

I got up and Laurie joined me for coffee out on the deck, then we visited as I made scrambled eggs and got the cinnamon rolls out.  Danny made griddle toast and bacon.  We ate breakfast on the chilly patio and sang Happy Anniversary to Missy and Phillip for 18 years and 364 days.  Denny used a blow torch to light the candles on a windy day.  The culture service was changed from outdoors at a park to the Summit church because of the weather.  Nice service.  Great message from Phillip.  At home we went full feed on leftovers and napped and napped and napped.  AND then I started catching up on this blog.  UffdA!!  Phillip and Evan went to Ames to catch a flight to California to stay with brother Stephen and look at colleges.  Missy and kids are at Cherokee for a couple nights.  Denny and I are at  home starting to put away everything that we got out  Then tv at night..  

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