Friday, June 30, 2023

L&K visit

 It doesn't get any better than playing pickleball with my daughter.  YES!!! So fun.  We went into IG at 7:30 and played until 9:15 when I dropped Missy off at Laura's and I did a few errands.  We dropped off flowers at Carol's and headed home.  Missy heading into IG around 11 to visit with Remer, get a hair cut and have Anabel take her drier's permit test!!! YES!! she passed.  At home I made a red, white and blue vase for church.  We put together food for tonight when L&K are going to spend the night.  I made a collage for Tom Webb's military service.  At 5 we went to Joel's graduation party.  Then home to visit with Luke's as they spent the night.  Lincoln slept in G'pa's closet.  The mamma at has EIGHT babies that are staying under our deck and hissing and snarling when we come outside.  We'd love to tame a couple of them .... We'll see. 

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