Monday, June 5, 2023


I went out and put together the flowers for the door prize for Keenagers.   Then headed to Thistledown about 7:30.  I bought 2 geramiumns and some blue salvia.  There was a line when I got to Twin Lakes.  Marilyn, from Sac city was very nice to play with.  She thought it was fine if I made bad shots with my shoulder issue.  We shot a 45. Not too bad considering ....   All 8 packages of asparagus sold.  So I had "drug" money for more flowers.  I stopped at Prairie Pedlar on the way home and got $37 worth of Lisianthus.  At home Denny was rocking.  We stabilized the picket fence as we watered the gardens.  I called Renea and was too late for the varsity softball game that started at 5:30.  Uffda  I planted all the lisi, so I'm almost caught up on planting ....Just the sunflowers by the picket fence after I paint it.  Job for tomorrow.  


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