Saturday, June 17, 2023

Alyssa Shower

Quiet time is filled with bird chirps.  So nice. I headed to Joyces and go the around 9 when it opened.  Vegetables were 50 cents so i got  24 Jalepinio, 12 tomatoes, 6 cukes and 24 snapdragons, 18 asters and 2  $3 basil plants.  I went to Ig to get a jelly roll pan for Alyssa and then home to engrave it.  It was scheduled to rain sometime today.  When I got home from the shower.  I told Denny, I hope these get planted before the rain.  BUT we were cleaning our upstairs and we continued to clean.  .  I worked on the kitchen.  Denny had started and continued to do everything.   Well, we got it cleaned and the plants in the ground and we did have a great slow .6 inches of rain.  Thank You Jesus!!I had looked in the weeds of the spinach row and did find some spinach, radishes, and basil plants growing.  We chilled on rockers, watched the rain and had a great supper.  

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