Friday, June 9, 2023

Lincoln flowers

 I left Gail's about 6 and got to Lincoln at 9.  Gail let me choose these 3 pretty quilts. The girls were at an airbnb after spending the bachelorette evening together.  I visited with Doc and Justice, Judah and Garrison.  Cute boys!!  At 10 we were at the reception hall ready to decorate.  Becca and I made the 10 bridesmaid flower bouquets and Naomi's bouquet.  I took the flowers, Bec, and Ezra to the airbnb to put in that refrigerator.  I drove to Ungers about 4 and rode with Kathy and Rory to the rehearsal practice and supper.  I put my cot in Shane's office and slept there.  

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