Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Keen agers golf.

I headed to the Lake City Golf course about 8:30.  it was a fun morning.  I played with Marilynn from Sac City.  it is the second time i've played with her.  I wore the elastic when I swung the golf clubs.  At hole 7 the gal we were playing with fell and skinned her leg.  Colleen and Donna went to the ER.  Marilyn and I scrambled to play 4 balls.  We ended up shooting a 42, third on the second flight.  $2 pay off for each of us 4.  We gave the flowers to Colleen.  I stopped by Thistledown before going home and bought some melons, dusty Miller, red/yellow, and butternut squash.  I was home for a while and then went to Battle Creek to watch Stella play softball.   They lost.  It was a sad game for Renea.  

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