Monday, June 26, 2023

Keenage golf

 Up and put together flowers for door prize for golf. There was a wild Kittie that climbed the Oak tree.   I went in to play PB at 7:30.  Then drove to Holstein, I golfed with Marilyn L We shot a 52 boooo.   At home Denny was taking picture of the acreage features.  I came home and we worked on putting things away and getting the coolbot defrosted.  Yea!!! it is now working. I picked lilies to keep in cooler .  Perhaps for Alyssa'a wedding in August.  Sherry came and got the et of her things.  Mandy invited us to cherokee tomorrow.  We got out=r tickets for November travel.  First to Jacksonville Florida and then wo Wilmington NC Then back to Omaha.  

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