Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday May 7

5/7/10 Nancy and I went to the folks for coffee. About 8:45 we picked up Lynn S. for a day trip to see glass. First stop was Bogenriefs in Sutherland. This is where they do the beveled and stained glass. Such details I couldn't even relate. One piece has 20,000 pieces in it. Then the waterfalls in it didn't have the look of movement and so they added another 10,000. pieces to the back.Some day I'll put in a picture of the $12,000 lamp. Nancy got a signed piece. We ate a lunch there in their conference room. It was a much better place for the picnic lunch I had packed instead of a park. Then we went to Spencer where they do blown glass. Nancy also got a piece there and we all got some garden glass that we can put in our flower beds. We looked at the Spencer middle school that they have made into senior living apartments and the library where there was a art glass aquarium with glass fish etc. The track meet that Lynn had planned to go to was cancelled. We stopped at the Arthur bank to wave at Denny and Kim L's. garden for a quick walk through. Then home for fruit pizza. Nancy left and headed to Atlantic. Lynn and I went to Kiron for garage sales and got nothing. I fed at the unit. When Denny came home he saw a ground hog in the yard. My hunter -who hadn't changed his clothes- ran out in to the yard without shoes. No luck this time. At night 4.5 Netflicks: Smile.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Thank you so much for checking in and for your kind compliments. I have a canon rebel xti and am super happy with it. It's great for what a do and have few complaints. Thanks again for saying hi and definitely tell Missy "hi" from me, hope she's doing well. Good luck with the camera shopping (;

