Sunday, January 31, 2016


I stayed in bed reading devotions and looking at SS lesson. Anabel and Abbi put in $ for their birthdays. Another week of 7 in my class. What cute kids. Joel and Kayia had lunch with us. They liked to watch the cardinal fly into the window. Denny napped and I found the pictures that I thought I lost from Friday night. Thank you Jesus. I'm wondering if I should go to Storm Lake and see the swimmers at the water park from church.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


I got up early and worked on the SS lesson. I left for SC about the same time Denny left for work in Odebolt. Firt stop I got a red serving oval bowl/platter and 5 US flags for cookies for the veteran on Tuesday. Then I met the homeschool family at Panera bread. Then to get $5 of clothes at $1 per item. I stopped at Staples to get some matte photo paper. At Highway 20 Treasures I saw Bobbie and Addison. They were headed to SC to look for a Valentine dress. On the way home I called another HS family. they were in Minneapolis at a Shrine circus. At home we took a short nap,Denny scraped the ice off the driveway and got the chainsaw working. He cut the branches offf the 2 trees that he had drug into the back yard. I put the chunks of wood on the bobcat. We piled some under the tarp by the fire pit. The rest went in the coop. We started a fire and watched a netflicks movie on Denny's phone and had soup. Nice night.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Another Friday

I went to school early to enter probes into the students' IEPs,Then there was an optional meeting with the Superintendent. Regular day at school, pretty much.. Reward time of 15 minutes for a student. Last week it was 25 minutes. AFter school I headed to Mapleton to see a home school student. At home I quickly made some pictures to go on a birthday card with party animals of motorcycle club. It was a fun night with 6 couples. They laughed and talked a lot about growing up in Ida Grove area. Sisters are in Brownsville having fun together.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

SPA sleds

During first through third hours most of the freshmen were out at Moorehead park testing their SPA sleds. One student stayed on the bus. It was a good morning for the activity. Sunny, no wind about 32 degrees. In Ind. Living we "blew up" ivory soap in the microwave and then used it to make clean mud. During math, a student would not go and get a calculator. Time was spent after school. UFFTA I stayed after school to work on next weeks lesson plans. Visit about kids on roster. UFFTA At home we made stir-fried veggies then fell asleep during the debates.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mandy here last night Awana tonight

Mandy could stay in bed until 6:30 because there was only one patient in the hospital, so she just needed to go to the clinic at 9. Pretty regular school day. I stayed after school for a while then I went to Arthur a little early. I worked on my SS lesson while I ate supper in my SS room. Missing 2 kindergarten game leaders during game time. Susan had us watch a super book that she will be showing next week. Home and to bed. Picture is of Dad ... Boy, did he love his grandkids. Kiddos they called them. .............................................................................................................. Mandy sent siblings a text asking if they knew the name of the game. They did .... And she said she was winning Old Maid against Jason.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Late start at 10:00

I got up regular time and then had devotions and was on the computer in bed. Mandy called on her way to IG to work. She is staying with us tonight. Sweet. We started today at school with 3rd hour (We had the first 2 hours yesterday then dismissed.) Quick trip to the grocery store during 7th hour. After school I came home and did Alg 1 on the sunroom sofa while Mandy did class work on the table. I fixed the hamballs and potatoes and SALAD from yesterday. After super we watched The Bachelor. Mandy is planning to leave about 5:15 tomorrow so she can work out at rec center before going to the hospital for her clinical. Two great pictures from Northeast Iowa: The Upper Iowa River and Dunnings Spring

Monday, January 25, 2016

Went to school. Sent home at 10

Regular start to the day. The roads started to look bad and at 10 school was let out. Missy and I had talked about making freezer meals. I got groceries before coming home. They had salad bags on sale for 50 cents and so I got a lot of them. UFFTA!! We started making meals about 12:00 ish and were done about 3. We made BBQ meatball, party potatoes and cherry dessert for Samantha, Stephanie, Luann, Darlene, and Molly. So much fun to do it together. After Denny came home from work we had a quick supper and then we went to Jensens and he cleaned the carpets. I worked on my recipe file and watched Alvin with Grands. We have a 2 hour late start tomorrow.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

So many in SS

We picked up kids for donuts before church. So much fun!!! I called Debbie to see if she could come to church, but she wasn't feeling very good. I had a record 7 kids in class. Such cute kids. I also to a picture of Molly and her twins. After church we came home for Crock pot Cashew chicken. Then I finished the book The War of the World by EH Wells. I napped and read. Denny napped and watched TV. About 5 he cleaned out the garage. Keelie Does make the floor stink with her habits. We went to prayer time at church at 6.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

I Love Saturdays!!

Nice lazy morning. Read in bed. About 10:30 we went to Ken S. funeral. Got groceries afterward, and ate lunch at church. Naps and more reading in afternoon. Neil will trade for Denny's Saturday March 26th working in Odebolt. We got tickets to go to Brownsville on March 25th through April 2. :) About 7 we went to a birthday party for a 16 year old. She was surprised. This is a picture my friend Diane posted about her mom and 2 sisters. Shirley's funeral was today. Such a neat story: Just had to publish one of my very favorite photos ever as tomorrow we say goodbye to the last of these beautiful women, my aunt Shirley (standing on the left). The other two standing are my mom Charlotte and my aunt Irene. Kneeling is their mother, my grandma Gina Drievold. The three sisters were married in a triple wedding in 1950, and this picture was taken by a newspaper photographer because he was writing a story about the wedding. I can just about smell the bread now!

Another Friday January 22

On the way to school I realized I did not have my phone along.  I had time to turn around and get it.  :)  I still made it for Friday before school monitoring in the hall way.  I read an article to a student in SH.  I was so encouraged by a friend who texted to say "praying for you today".  Thanks.  I went to Flex to give a probe.  Cute idea about "Say I don't need to go Solo (with cup) to Prom"  I am a little confused on some word problems in Alg.  Also some phrases in Comp.  Lord, help me understand.  Stress with student refusal.  Eng. Math, History, This weekend in the Herb I. wrestling tourney. Talk with parent on the way home from IG. Mandy interned in IG today.  Missy went to SC with Phillip and Brooks.  I ordered 2 $5 pizza for Cooks and us and met Mandy at the Hut for a quick visit.  Denny and I watched a couple episodes on Hulu.  I started to read The War of the Worlds today. Pictures from Jane's facebook page:

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Long day at school

Denny has a meeting this am. I am headed into school to make up the flex work day hours. I invited Jensens for supper. Ind. Living made fried eggs. I smile during the math class that I go to. Oh, to be teenage gals ..there quite a few are blonds, and I smile or laugh to myself a lot. I tried to go to Flex for a probe, but found out that they close at 3. Will go tomorrow. I brought bracelets to school, to see if there were any takers in the resource room before I take them out to the bunk house for dress up. Quick trip to Dose. I got a small mirror to help a student comb hair. At home by 5:45. I worked quickly on getting supper ready. The roast was done, cheesey beans, and a big salad. I was tired when we ate. Phillip had a meeting, but kids stayed and took baths. Missy made invitations for Anabel's birthday party. Lord, guide as I look into flights to Brownsville for March. Missy teased that the napkins were pretty, but not very absorbent. In fact they scraped her face as she wiped food off of her face.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Awana tonight

In bed and doing devotions. Left for school a little early. Pretty good day, starting to learn the routine of a new semester. One student was gone. Ken S. died and his funeral is Saturday. Sad how fast cancer takes over. During success there was a game to tell directions to make a house. Mandy started her first day interning in IG. I prayed during the day. We met at Food pride to visit. It was so nice. She had a good day and liked the people she worked with. They saw a lot of people. Yesterday she interned with a SC person. She learned about my operation. I got $ from First state and groceries. Then to Awana. We had soup. Good evening. Home to bed, I plan to go to school early tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

First day of second semester

I got a flu shot at school.  The first day went okay.  My planning is 4th hour,  I go to Com Lit 1 8th hour.  This may be subject to change.  I have 3 in Ind. Living, 2 in Eng 1, Eng III,  I also go to Com Lit and Alg 1A.  Email from mother worried about the grade of student.   Lord, help me keep in touch and help student do well,   It looks like a light beautiful snow falling outside.   I don't think it will accumulate though.  After school, I came home and made a big pot of soup for a cold winter night.  I wrote a teller to a parent about the Child Dev class going to the elementary school once a week.  Great opportunity.  Nice picture of the great bunny hunter

Monday, January 18, 2016

It has been 4 years since Anabel died. Miss her so much.

School work day ... at school at 5:45. Worked until 11:45. Mostly I did Algebra 1 problems. Uffta!  It has been a long time since I took Algebra. As I look tonight there have been some changes in classes/ study halls. Lord, please guide. When I came home Denny and I went online and registered. Then I fixed super nachos for a 1 pm lunch. We watched a couple episodes of Elementary on our Christmas present. Denny shot a rabbit from the deck.   We cleaned the house before Denny went to the bank to work.   I took the trash out and went on a 1 1/2 mile walk.   Looked at changes on schedule. Thank you, Lord. Denny came back from working at the bank and is ironing his shirts.


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Fun day Sun day

I got up and finished the maidrite mix and cutting up the celery for the light lunch. Then back to bed until 7:30. We took Naka. for donuts before church. Nice 4 girls in Sunday School. We had an Awana meeting after church. It seemed to go pretty well. No little kids, but the Naka. We served maidrites, carrots, celery and a mint cookies. Then home for a nap. Nice lazy afternoon on a chilly day.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Cherokee jazz

Grands woke up about 6:30. We read in the living room. Last night we played apples to apples, and watched where the red fern grows. We fixed sugar donuts and they left about 10. Denny came home from bank. We left for Cherokee about 3. The jewelry store was closed. We went to Cooks for a short time. Mandy had to study so we left and went to the jazz and big band music. A 13 year old did a good job on the guitar. We ate Mexican at 7:30. Then to hear some more jazz. We left for home about 11:45 after buying groceries for Awana lunch tomorrow. Home and to bed. It was not quite how I had thought the day would go. It was fine. Really had a nice time with Grands.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Last Friday of the semester

Two semester tests for me to give today. Need to work on grades. Grands are spending the night. Missy and Phillip are going to Cherokee for Jazz Festival. We watched the kids and had a great time. Luke and Karen spent last week with Goldsmiths in the warm.  Denny noticed the blue glasses at the condo where they are staying.  They look familiar.  Nice.  In fact the whole vacation looks very nice.  

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Semester tests oh ya

Denny was up early and out the door. Only to find out after he got to work that it is next week he has the early meeting. That makes me not feel so bad about going a week early to my hair cut last month. I went to school early, but did not get a lot done. The day is full with reading semester tests to students. I ordered pizza and almost forgot to go pick it up. I remembered just in time and student and I headed to Pizza Hut. We had been watching Temple Grandin, and got involved in the movie. We did not get the schedule assignments made. UFFTA!! I had papers all over my desk at the end on the day, but just decided to leave. It was beautiful out and so I walked and listened to "relaxing" music. I walked 2 miles, very slow and very relaxing. At 5 I gave Denny a call and took a few pieces of pizza to share with him. There was a computer glitch and someone needed to be at the bank when it was corrected. He got home about 7. We watched a movie in living room on the phone before going to bed. (The sunroom was too chilly, and Denny did not want to lie down in bed and watch it before going to bed. Such cute pictures for Micki's birthday.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Early out... Last class day of semester ... Haircut

Up and made 3 week lesson plan sheets of cardstock.  We finished Ron Clark movie in Ind. Living.  PD at 2:17.  Talked about incentives for improving IAAss scores.  Another clue for the hidden falcon.  (Mr. Miller hid one in the building and has been giving us clues).  I headed to bet Brooks and then we went to Wall Lake to get our hair cut.  We had a can of soup for supper.  Hurrah the last class day of the semester. OH YA!!! Fun pictures from Christmas Auction, Gift swing, and graham cracker frosting houses.