Monday, January 25, 2016

Went to school. Sent home at 10

Regular start to the day. The roads started to look bad and at 10 school was let out. Missy and I had talked about making freezer meals. I got groceries before coming home. They had salad bags on sale for 50 cents and so I got a lot of them. UFFTA!! We started making meals about 12:00 ish and were done about 3. We made BBQ meatball, party potatoes and cherry dessert for Samantha, Stephanie, Luann, Darlene, and Molly. So much fun to do it together. After Denny came home from work we had a quick supper and then we went to Jensens and he cleaned the carpets. I worked on my recipe file and watched Alvin with Grands. We have a 2 hour late start tomorrow.

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