Sunday, January 3, 2016

Blog from Mom's 1982 journal

March 20 , 1982 Maynard started jogging in the morning. (He was 88 when he died in 2000. He was born in 1912?? So he would have been 69 in March of 1982. They are at Four Seasons in Brownville, Texas.) March 21, 1982 Mom wrote,"Bud's second day of jogging in (my) new warm up suit. March 23, 1982 Mom wrote," Bud jogged again and I took a short bike ride." No more mention of Dad jogging in 1982. :) ...............................................................................................................................March 31, 1982 From Mom's journal: Up early about 5:15 am and on our way about 5:45. Filled up with diesel at a "truck" spot there and the attendant gave Bud a hassle. Phooey! Such a do do about nothing. Good driving. We got to Atlantic about 5 pm. Scott was on his paper route. Bruce at track. Gail got chicken , etc. at the deli and we had a nice supper. Left the boys their cowboy shirts, and left some grapefruit, soap, vanilla, etc. On to Ida Grove to spend the night at Faith and Denny's We got there about 9 pm. We had driven over 600 miles again today. Our speediest trip ever home from Texas. Found some cowboy shirts for Matt and Missy- some cowboy boots for Faith Sugar, fruits and a sweater for Denny. ..................................................................................................................Special data: Nice to get home. The water damage to the dining room furniture is bad, but we were lucky the boys had the ceilings, etc. taken care of in the living and dining room. The piano bench looks awful, but the piano seems to be fine. The chairs and the buffet and new china closet are pretty bad. Next time we leave home, we'd better leave a kerosene heater or something that does not require electricity. Thursday, April 1, 1982 Left Faith and Denny after a nice breakfast about 9:30 am. Howard and Anabel come over for coffee, too. They're still looking slim and trim. We saw Howard and Anabels' quint lambs and all of the hog set up at Denny's..............................................................................................   Tuesday April 13, 1982 Up and finished packing. Met Esther Cowden from Viroqua, Wisc. at 9 am in Postville. She was driving to Ida Grove to visit her daughter, Val, (Mrs. Keith Krause) We ate at Scandia at noon at Hampton. Got to Faith's about 3:15 pm. Faith left for a class at Schleswig about 4:15 pm. I stayed with Matt and Missy. Faith was back about 7 pm/ Denny had seeded about 25 acres of oats today. It was a nice day for a drive. It's a loooooong way over here. We got off track in Wall Lake!!! Nothing like getting lost in a city.!! Call Bill Meylink's - no answer- Dave's Sue said they'd gone to St Joseph because Barry is sick. .....................................................................................Wednesday, April 14, 1982 In the morning we took Matt and BJ to preschool. Got my glasses (bow) fixed in Ida Grove. Shopped - window shopped. Went to Great Granny Bergin for coffee and cookies. Had blood pressure checked a bank and at Arthur. Back home for lunch and naps. Faith cut out material for a new blue jacket. Drove to Schleswig for hog medicine. Back home for a quick supper and then off to Odebolt for Faith's dance exercise class from there to the Arthur church for Awana Club meetings for kids ages 3 thru 8th grade. (15 kids just in Matt and Missy's pre-school group}. Tremendous cooperation from the adult leaders- must have been 14 or 15 of them. Wednesday night is definitely church night. .................................................................................................................................................................Thursday, April 15, 1982 Much warmer day with temperatures in the high 60's. Denny as up very early to sell pigs in Denison (43 butchers and a boar) at $50.25 grade and yield) Faith, Matt, Missy and I walked to Anabel's for coffee (and eggs)- Next we hurried to Ida Grove for Christian Women's Club luncheon at the Orchid club. There were 69 women present - interdenominational- nice meal- excellent program- Lovely tables. Matt and Missy went to the nursery at the Methodist church. We had picked up Ester Cowden and took her back home. Then back home to fix snacks for Matt and Missy and we rode to Schleswig where Faith had 2 exercise classes. M&M played in the park and then at school, It rained and even hailed a bit at Schleswig, but Dnny was still discing new sod when we got here. We had pizza here at home. ............................................................................................Friday, April 16, 1982 Up quite early- Made brownie bars and a few cupcakes. Mix up about Matt to preschool- finally took Matt and BJ, and Doug L. would pick them up. We drove on to Storm Lake, Alta (called Jo Bumann) -Peterson- visited with Carol Neppl at the hardware Lumber Office- On to Primghar for lunch and then visited with William and Zenna De Boom, to Sioux Center to see Auntie Kate Moeller and Ed and Alice Sneller. Then to Hull, where Dete and Bill had just come home from Stl, Jo. Bill took us to eat at Apple Tree in Hull and saw Luke and Dor De Koster there. On to Rock Valley; to see Dave, Sue, Amy, Andrea and new baby, Abbey Lynn. Back to Hull and then headed home. Got to the farm about 11:30 pm. Missy went with Faith and me and was really a joy all day. Saturday, April 17, 1982 Cool, windy, but nice (Denny got $53.49 grade and yield) Up early and left here about 8 am. Took Missy to play with Kim Johnson all day. It's Matt's day to go with Mom. On to Fort Dodge. Stopped at a garage sale in Rockwell City. Got to Iowa Central Community College about 10 am. Heard Keith give his presentation about 10:15. Later Jane, Keith, Bill ? and we went to the mall for about an hour then to Wendy's to eat. Back to the Community College. We went to a couple of porch sales and Target. Later we stopped back at Rockwell City and Faith got a small bike (and a big wheels) at that garage sale. Picked up Missy at Carol Johnson's and came home. Matt was a good traveling pal. Faith did a little "midwifing" at night. Home movies and popcorn. Fun!!

....................................................................................................................Sunday, April 18. 1982  ..............................................................................................Up in time for rolls and coffee before SS at 10 am and church at 11 am. We met Keith and Val Kraus and Esther Cowden there and we left from there about 12:20pm. We stopped at Stratford for lunch shortly before 2 and I called Charles and Mildred Erickson Crim and they stopped in the cafe for a short visit. On to Postville where the Buick was waiting at Casey's Gen'l Store. Got home about 6:40 pm. Maynard and Bruce N. had played 18 holes of golf this afternoon. The pond is down considerably. Bruce and M started it down by digging a trench. Craig got the overflow working again. ...........................................................................................Saturday, May 15, 1982 (End of the day's journal) ... Rained again at night. About 10 pm Faith, Denny, Matt and Missy drove into the yard with their pickup. Sunday, May 16, 1982 ... Craig and Kiddos, Denny and Faith and Kiddos, and Bruce found lots of nice mushrooms at Knoke farm. .... Faith, Denny, kiddos, gas golf cart, golf balls, etc. left about 4 pm.

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