Saturday, January 2, 2016


Relax, Wow, I guess. I did not get out of my robe until 3 pm. I worked on SS lesson. I finished watching Ragamuffin, the story of Rich Mullins. I finished reading Mom's journal from 1982. There are days in it I would like to incorporate into my blog, but I am not sure how to do it. I finished making seat cushions for deck chairs and put them in the hallway closet. Denny ironed 17 shirts while we watched the movie we rented, "A Walk in the Woods". He laughed out loud often. I guess it is rented for 30 days. Who knew?? Come and watch it if you are interested. We napped. Then vacuumed the house. We walked to the unit and looked around. It is big!! Together we fixed broccoli cheese soup, took showers, lite the candles, put on piano music, danced, and had a wonderful meal by candlelight. It was relaxing. Thank you, Jesus, for my husband.

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