Thursday, January 14, 2016

Semester tests oh ya

Denny was up early and out the door. Only to find out after he got to work that it is next week he has the early meeting. That makes me not feel so bad about going a week early to my hair cut last month. I went to school early, but did not get a lot done. The day is full with reading semester tests to students. I ordered pizza and almost forgot to go pick it up. I remembered just in time and student and I headed to Pizza Hut. We had been watching Temple Grandin, and got involved in the movie. We did not get the schedule assignments made. UFFTA!! I had papers all over my desk at the end on the day, but just decided to leave. It was beautiful out and so I walked and listened to "relaxing" music. I walked 2 miles, very slow and very relaxing. At 5 I gave Denny a call and took a few pieces of pizza to share with him. There was a computer glitch and someone needed to be at the bank when it was corrected. He got home about 7. We watched a movie in living room on the phone before going to bed. (The sunroom was too chilly, and Denny did not want to lie down in bed and watch it before going to bed. Such cute pictures for Micki's birthday.

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