Sunday, January 10, 2016

Happy Birthday Mandy

After I texted Mandy Happy birthday she texted me back and asked me what I was doing the day she was born. Fun to remember, but I don't have the baby book right here to confirm a couple of questions that may or may not be Mandy or Luke's birth circumstances. Here is what I texted her back. I think I had been at Bible study in IG at 1:30 and then went to the doctor for a weekly check up about 3:30. I didn't eat the desert at Bible study because I knew I would have to weigh in. :) (I took it with me for after the weigh in.) I think it was you that the doctor smiled and said,"If you are dilated to 6, we are sending you to the hospital." then he checked me and somberly said ," You are dilated to 6." (Actually, that might have been Luke's circumstances.) I know I went to Pamida to get something that I would need in the hospital. There I saw someone from Bible study....but I didn't say "I am having this baby today." I went to the hospital later. Great Granny was in the hospital the same day. I didn't stop to visit her. I do know that Nancy Schumacher was ready to catch you, but Dr Toben came rushing into the room, his hair a mess, just in time to catch you. We loved you ... right from the first heart beat ... and the first cry outside the womb ... and our love for you only grows more everyday. Happy Birthday. It was fun to remember the day you were born. Wow, I hadn't thought about that for a long time


I had 4 in SS class.  The two guys were active and interested in minions.  One was good looking at the table of contents and finding verses, the other knew answers to Bible questions, like "What did Moses ask for when he was leader of many people?"  We asked Bob and Teresa over for leftovers at lunchtime. Nice to visit with them.  Then we had naps.  Denny started doing his clothes.  Prayer time at 6.

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