Thursday, January 21, 2016

Long day at school

Denny has a meeting this am. I am headed into school to make up the flex work day hours. I invited Jensens for supper. Ind. Living made fried eggs. I smile during the math class that I go to. Oh, to be teenage gals ..there quite a few are blonds, and I smile or laugh to myself a lot. I tried to go to Flex for a probe, but found out that they close at 3. Will go tomorrow. I brought bracelets to school, to see if there were any takers in the resource room before I take them out to the bunk house for dress up. Quick trip to Dose. I got a small mirror to help a student comb hair. At home by 5:45. I worked quickly on getting supper ready. The roast was done, cheesey beans, and a big salad. I was tired when we ate. Phillip had a meeting, but kids stayed and took baths. Missy made invitations for Anabel's birthday party. Lord, guide as I look into flights to Brownsville for March. Missy teased that the napkins were pretty, but not very absorbent. In fact they scraped her face as she wiped food off of her face.

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