Saturday, December 3, 2016

Beyond blessed

Great day.  I got a knock at 7 and went to Matt's room with breakfast.  Then to have coffee with some siblings in hospitality room.  Next to more waterpark swim time until 10:15.  Great lunch at 11.  Shrimp, meatballs, fruit and cheese plates.  Santa and Elf gave out stockings. Devon made much of the goods in the stockings and put them together for Bruce.   Little Molly howled, even tho she said this year she was not going to be afraid of Santa.  Lots of laughs.  Especially when the Elf's grab gift was a $30 certificate and the role of being the Elf next year.  I got a great soft purple blanket.  Games and cards and visiting.  Missy had given the Grands tokens for the electronic games.  We went bowling.  First time, very fun!  Supper - great bowling alley burgers. 

Seven Newhouse Siblings!! We are beyond blessed. Thank you Jesus for my family.  

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