Monday, December 26, 2016

Kids all home

I am looking forward to today.  Lord, grant safety and bless our time together.  We kept busy getting ready for the family.  Most of them came about 11.  We had fun showing them the redone basement.  Torren decided to sleep under the stairs.  We ate some Black Friday Tiefentallers BBQ for lunch, then opened gifts  Mo. Johnsons were so happy to get an air hockey table.  Brooks got all kinds of plastic weapons.  (wunderful    ... not)  I got June 10th as the summer date for my family weekend.  Mandy told the nieces and nephews about an addition to the family.  Yea!!!! Everyone was happy.  We had souppa in the couppa around 5:30.  Phillip and Matt were put in charge of getting the kids set up with pjs and a movie.  While they were gone the coop was decorated and food was brought out,  Frank and Jenny came with a birthday cake.  Missy went in to tell the kids they may have to take discipline to stall their dad until the cake came.  Matt was ready to go out to the coop and Becky sidelined him with some irrelevant conversation about nothing.  Matt's response was ... Why are we talking about this?  We could be out in the coop with our family.   It was well worth the deception.  Matt was so surprised!!  tears   laughter  Funny 40 gifts  cards  Boyles, Dan, and Jenna came a little later.  Great day!!!!

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