Sunday, December 18, 2016

Lazy nice day

Wonderful morning.  It doesn't get much better than Grands reading and snuggling in the am before going for donuts.  Phillip brought over their church clothes.   After church Denny cleaned out the garage.  Washing out the cat moisture with bleach water.  2 hour naps. That's a long time.  :)   Then we ordered more online for Christmas.  Denny screwed in a nail to hold up a picture in the purple room.  When he went to the pastor search meeting, I went to see Maryann in the hospital.  She is so sweet and looks so weak.  The first thing she told me about was Missy and 3 precious kids visiting and praying with her as they all held hands.  And she showed me the note from Evan.   Matt and Becky were at a wedding of family friends.  Kane was the ring bearer.  My niece Justine got her Masters today from U of W Madison in Pharmacology.

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