Saturday, December 17, 2016


We kinda slept in and the kids did too.  At least until 7:30 or so.  Denny fixed breakfast for all.  When he went to work on bank business we went to IG.  Dose Garage sale, Dollar General, Then to Holstein.  If I would have been thinking we could have eaten at Hardee's, but intead we got snackables at DG. The Holstein library was open until 1.  I got gas.  I didn't know where we could eat, but the rec center staff said we could eat there, and play in the playrooom until 2.  Moana was showing at the theater.  Free popcorn- huge bags- because there was some kind of blue flashing light.  
It didn't bother us.  At home we sorted some craft stuff that was in the bunk house.  We made ginger bread cookies.  The kids had baths, and we ate Mac and cheese.  Wonderful day and night.  Denny said he got the paper work for Monday done.  Missy and Phillip hiked at Moorehead on their staycation.  It was a chilly day.  

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