Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Hang out

Fun day with Mandy.  She got coffee on her way to IG.  2 kinds of Lattee.  So strong and sweet that we had to dilute.  We chilled and watched Gilmore Girls all day.  Winter/Spring/summer/ and all but the last 20 minutes of Fall.  We worked while we watched.  I peeled the last of the garden potatoes for Jensen's Christmas dinner.  Mandy did her nails, I did my nails, I shortened jeans for Mandy.  And red curtains were shortened.  I hemmed a wrap for a baby.  Mandy sorted thru/ organized her recipe book. When I saw this picture I made an appointment for a haircut the next day.  We ate quiche, tomato, avocado, grape fruit in the basement for lunch.   I fixed hamballs for supper with Jensens.  Denny came home not feeling very good.  After the kitchen was cleaned up, he went to bed.  It was a very good day.  The best. 

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