Friday, December 9, 2016

Full Day

I was up at 4 and put pork in the crock pot.  Denny wanted to make sure the meat would heat up.  I went back to bed.  Denny had a lot to load in the car for the open house.  A little before 9 I headed to Lindsey's house to watch another DVD of Ann V.  Then to Mapleton to meet with 2 home school families.  We met at G'ma's house.  I headed to IG and walked thru Dose before going to the bank.  Nice visit with Allie C. before I headed to Arthur, then to Storm Lake to get Laura at 3.  She needed to go to Wal-Mart.  Home by 5:30.  I slept and watched the news.  Denny brought a lot of food home from the bank open house.  I was happy when we went thru some more of the junk in the basement. Denny put clothes into the SOS pile.  We lifted a big box of memorabilia up on the top shelf and took out the clothes rod.   Diamond Darling info brings back memories.    Denny gave me the May basket and I fell and broke my ankle while I was chasing him around the house to catch him and kiss him.

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