Friday, December 23, 2016

Tackle the chicken coop

Denny is feeling better.  I heard him talk this am as he got his coffee ready.  He went to work,  I put on another layer of paint on bench top.  I started/ and finished cleaning the coop.  I moved extra refrigerator food to a cooler in the garage.  Looked for a recipe to use up browned butter from an earlier mistake and decided to make granola that used up the butter, plus oatmeal in the bottom of the container,  plus the dried cranberries I had in the cupboard.  Triple winner!!  Presents are all wrapped.  I laid out all the cute tiny  clothes.  So fun!!  I think I will have each grand choose an outfit.  Denny and I went out and watched a netflix in the coop before heading to bed.  Another fun day.

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