Thursday, December 29, 2016

To Storm Lake

Spent the morning taking down the tree and decorations    AND trying to print the Christmas letters.  About noon I headed to SL.  I stopped by the church where Denny was having lunch.  He reminded me about Jim's retirement party.   I dropped off stuff as SOS.  Then quick trip to Goodwill where I got 10 pink trays for $3.  Then to get computer paper, envelopes and niquill for Denny's cold.  Back to UBI to shake Jim's hand.  At home I put a TV in a trash hole.  Missy and kids came over for a bowl of soup and a bath.  Denny went to bed early with his cold.  Mandy's procedure went ok, she was feeling good about it.
Some pictures from Christmas:

"Living Word Bible Studies" series by Kathleen Buswell Nielson. 

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