Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Prayers for our nation as I sit and watch tv.  Lord, guide and protect our nation and it's leaders.  We need you.   
Full day.  Ran 2, walked 2, pantry for 1, Thrift with Gail for 1, pool table with Joan for 1, Shuffle board ... Last place for 2,  Parade ... where they went past 407 and we took our chairs and watched them pass again around the bend at 85,  Gumbo supper at 5, followed with music by Don,  Sat by his wife Wilma, nice facetime with Denny who told me I looked pretty rough and hopefully would be healed by the time he sees me in 16 days.  
Lord, we need your wisdom.  

Monday, February 27, 2017


I am loving not teaching HS SPED.  The weather again was great.  I walked about 2.5 and biked about 2.5.  I made a smoothie from watermelon.  We left about 8:30 for Progresso for Nancy's dentist appointment.  She was waiting and with the dentist until about 12:30.  We ate at Panchos.  Gail bought lunch for my birthday.  Such a fun time.  We got home and rested.  Potluck at 6.  Ponytail at 7.  Home and called Denny at 9.  Great day in the Valley.  

Sunday, February 26, 2017


I went out and finished planting the avocados near Gail's avocado.  Glad to get them in the ground.  I have been babying them since August 2015.  They probably won't make it, but at least I don't have to take care of them any more.  After I dropped Nancy off at the Lutheran church for choir practice, I went to Island Baptist.  My right hand has a scrape from "the fall",  Nice friendly people at church ... and I had many hand shakes to welcome me ... Lots of them squeezed ... very hard ... Uffta!  Back at the trailer I cut up watermelon.  The golf scramble started about 1.  We were a 4 some.  Very fun!!! 
I made a birdie putt on the first hole we played ... and the last hole we played.  The rest of the game was "not so hot".   But Bruce was driving well, Gail was pitching well, Nancy sunk some good putts and we ended up tieing for first.  Afterward everyone came to Gail and Bruce's for the reuslts and food.  About 50 people.  It worked great, about 30 sat in the screened in porch and about 10 on tables to the north and 10 on tables to the south.  He could speak and everyone could hear him.  Nancy and I went to Trivia.  Our team came in 2nd.  Nice visit with Missy and Denny at night.  

Saturday, February 25, 2017


Just walked one round in the park.  Then Gail and I got groceries at Heb.  At 9 there was coffee and donuts at the center.  Pickle ball after that.  And I was having such a good time.  Note to self ... Even tho you want to hit that shot that barely goes over the net, it might not be a good idea.  Yes, I hit the shot.  No, it did not go where I wanted.  Yes, it went out of bounds. No, my body could not stop. Yes, I face planted on the court.  No, we did not win the game.  Yes, I am so happy I still have my front two teeth.  It could have been a lot worse.  I could have been spending the next 2 weeks going to a Mexican dentist every 3 days.  Now that would have been aweful ... so I am so thankful I just have 2 strawberries on my face.  Fruit is good for a birthday.  I swam laps for about 40 minutes.  Gail and Bruce are hosting a after golf tournament party at their place tomorrow.  I helped her clean the screened in porch.  We went to Boca Chica Beach, Gail and I walked, Bruce took the bike and after walking on the beach for a while, he biked back toward Brownsville.   I forgot to get coconut for a pineapple birthday drink I was fixing, so we stopped at dollar General.  Besides the coconut,  I got cute little umbrellas.  Our closest neighbors, Joan and Hendersons came to the deck.  I still need to plant the 3 avocado plants.  The Jensens are visiting baby Rose, and Denny is watching BB.  When I called toight they were working on putting a sliding barn door.  Nice to facetime with both groups.  Great day in the valley.  Just missing Denny.  

Friday, February 24, 2017


I ran 1 and then walked 4 more with Gail and Terry.  I facetimed with the Jensens before they headed to Burlington.  There was no school today because of the weather.  Phillip said it was good that they headed south when they did because soon after they left the wind got stronger and road were closed.  Nancy and I headed to the Island.  After choir practice I picked her up and we went to the Market at the conference center.  Nancy bought me lunch at the Palms cafe and after lunch I walked the beach for about an hour while she waited and was on her computer.  It was a great walk, What a wonderful way so spend an afternoon.  We came home and watched tv.  Denny headed to Savannah after work.  Missy made ti to Burlington.  Great picture of 4 grands.  The big part of the night was when Bruce told Gail (who was playing cards) that if she was done, they could go to DQ for a mini blizzard.  All 5 people who were playing cards stopped playing,  tossed the cards down, and got in the car to go get ice cream.   Luke and Karen shared pictures of Rose.  Actually I had an idea that she could take a part of my dad's name and I could call her sweet, pretty, darling, Rosebud.  Dad got the nick name in college, I don't know how, but when Mom was told that she would be meeting a Bud Newhouse when she went to teach in Urbana.   And then he drove up that day.   That information was shared by Nancy.  Cute.    

Thursday, February 23, 2017

93 degrees

My legs had bug bites on them.  I got up early and went to the hot tub.  Hopefully the heat and chlorine would take the itch out.  (It worked kinda, but still kinda itchy).  I ran (?????)  2 1/4 miles this am and walked 1 1/2 miles with Gail and Terry.  I went to the pantry and played cards til about 8.  It was really fun to play pickle ball this am.  We had a lot of good volleys.  I went up to the pool from about 12 to 2, showered and then to the pantry until after 4.  I fixed guacamole.  Last night it was a creamy green.  The recipe called for sour cream with the avocados.  Not my favorite, so I was happy to make the more traditional stuff for supper.  Talked to Denny, a storm is coming.  I played pony tail tonight.  I think the 2 gals from food bank (Ida County)/pantry (Brownsville) kinda look alike.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


I ran 2+ miles this am. Gail was golfing today and so she didn't walk.  I biked 4 and then had devotions on the deck.  A beautiful morning.  We left about 9 for Progresso.  Nancy got in line at the dentist's.  I bought vanilla. They decided to put 2 temporary caps and we go back next Monday to finish.  We picked up Gail at VICC and went to a thrift store, then we went to the ART store that Nancy has wanted to visit all year.  I swam when we got home.  At 5:15 we rode our bikes to the Fajita Supper with Joan.  It was great food.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


I got up and ran about a mile before walking with Gail and Terry.  It was a water day.  We went to the Island.  Gail and Bruce signed up for para sailing.   We went to Pier 19 because they said we could see the the sail better from there.  So look closely, the upper left hand corner next to the partial pirate face, you can see Bruce up on the para sail.  When we got back to the park Bruce grilled some filet steaks, Gail made salad, and we ate out on the deck.  Great weather!!!  They took naps and I went to the pool and napped.  Gail and I kayaked, then swam for about 45 minutes and went in the hot tub.  Great phone call with Denny.  I sat on the deck, the resaca was still and beautiful, the reflection in the water was amazing.  Watched tv with Nance before heading to bed.  She lost a tooth when eating my onion dill bun.  Text from Rose's parents telling of her accomplishments.  Another great day in the valley.   


Monday, February 20, 2017

Day back in the Valley

Up at 6 and walked with Gail 2.4 miles.  It was a nice warm rain.  Home to shower and have fresh squeezed grapefruit juice.  I went to the Pantry; at 11 the canned goods came to be unloaded. I made a batch of Onion dill buns for potluck at 6. I went to Walmart in the afternoon.   Denny spent the day cleaning the Jeep.  Nice visit with him at night.  I was looking at facebook and found these cool pictures taken by p. miller.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

River to River

Breakfast at Countess B&B for us.  It was really nice.  Rose came looking so sweet and slept in my arms during breakfast.  There was a cool painting of Burlington behind Karen.   Luke printed off my boarding pass on his computer.  We left for Omaha airport about 10:30.  From the Mississippi river across the state to the Missouri.  It is a beautiful day for a drive.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Made it to Rose town

Up about 7.  Arlan fixed a great breakfast.  Katie, Everett and Aileen came to visit.   We were on the road by 8:30 and arrived in Burlington about 11.    Luke and Karen were out getting groceries.  It was nice to sit in the sun on their big porch.  It was love at first sight when Denny met Rose.  Jean had sent along the prettiest puffy baby quilt.   After the kids got home and Rose fed, Luke grilled brats and we ate outside on the sunny porch.  It was so nice.  We took at walk down to the Mississippi and along the river front.  We watched Rose when Luke and Karen went out to eat for their 5th anniversary.  Fun to them and us.  Luke 'fessed that he did use his phone app to check on our care of Rose while he was eating.  I hope we looked good on his camera!!  He was not able to hear Rose because she didn't cry while they were out to eat.  She just lay in my arms as we watched tv.   I got a picture with a sleeping smile.  So cute.  We stayed at the Countess B&B.  Nice place, next door to the kids' apartment.

Just filled her pants. :)
6 day old smile

Friday, February 17, 2017


Keelie looked pretty sore this am, but the vet was not in the office so I could not take her to Holstein to get her checked.  Denny will have to take her on Monday if he thinks she needs some more antibiotics.  I vacuumed and washed bedding for the bnb.  I also made rollup sandwiches for the drive tonight.  About 3 I headed to IG and then to Odebolt to help Missy get organized for TAG family night.  Laurie picked up Anabel early from school and they were going to a gymnastics meet in Ames.  About the time we were leaving to head to Jean and Arlan's, we got a text.  Anabel and Laurie were enjoying the sky blue pink sunset near the Hilton.  That made me smile.  We did too much driving around in Perry and finally found what we needed in Hyvee.  If we would have tried it first, it would have been less stress.   Earlier in the night Schrums were in DM, but they were home when we got there.  Good to visit and laugh with them before heading to bed.  

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Home, Mapleton, Arthur IG

Denny put a bandage on Keelie's leg.  It looks pretty sore.  Raw to the bone.  Uffta!!  I went to Mapleton, but must have just missed the girls.  In IG I stopped to show Judy pictures of Rose.  Then to the HS, I met the new guidance counselor, saw 3 home school students, and worked on cataloging the home school books and arranging them on the shelves.  I met Susan and Theresa at Zimmies before I went to BS at Ginny's (to show off Rose's pictures).  Then to the food bank at Kiron, about 30 people were there to help with the distribution.  It was fun and a lot of food was given out from the $550 purchased.  At home I talked to Missy and we decided that Laurie and I would take Anabel to gymnastics.  It was so much fun to see how she has improved.  We met Mandy at McD to get a swing for Luke and Karen.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017



Lord, Thank you for this time I have spent with Rose, Luke, Karen, and Carol.  It is priceless.   

I got up and read in the living room after getting a cup of coffee in the chilly B&B sunroom.  When I went up to take a shower, they were not working right, so Judy told me to take a shower in the Grace room.  Carol and I watched/held/loved on Rose while Luke and Karen ate at the Countess.  It worked well.  The sweet little one just slept and looked beautiful while the 2 adoring grandmothers handed her back and forth.  I paid out all her beautiful blankets.  They looked so pretty. We left for home at 11 and got to the farm at 6.  We made 2 pit stops and 3 thrift shops.  At home I printed pictures so we grandmas would have pictures to share.  Awana went well.  
Denny got a call today about rental of the bnb for 4 days and possibly 3 months for a construction guy.  Lord, guide us.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentines day

I had devotions looking out a window of Luke and Karen's apartment and seeing the Mississippi in the distance, ... way distance, but I could see it.  I called for Alexa and the machine lit up, but she didn't obey my voice to turn on the kitchen lights.  I could not quite see how to make the kurig coffee, but it worked out and I made it to the hospital a little before 9.  Luke and I went on a Starbuck coffee run ... and baked goods at Ivy's.  The check out procedure at the hospital takes a while.  Carol decided to stay an extra day with me in Burlington and so we grandmas have had fun today.  We left the hospital when Mark and Pete headed north.  At the kids' apartment we made turkey sandwiches and guacamole and got some fruit on a plate.  Then we left.  We wrote a note that we would love to have lunch with them and to text us when it works out the best for them.  We checked in and took our luggage to the BB.  It has a great sunroom where we had a cup of coffee and visited.  We got the  text for lunch at 1:15 and then we visited and watched a sleeping Valentine until 3:30.  We left them to hopefully take naps and we went on a walk to stores on downtown Burlington.  It was fun to look at all the stuff.  We came back to the BB about 6 and I called Denny.  at 6:30 we ate supper with the new family. Seasoned roast pork, party potatoes, fresh veggies with vinegrette dressing.    We walked back to BB about 9:30.  Wonderful day.  So much fun to spend it with the newest Grand.  The cat is having a lot to deal with ... first, there were 2 ladies that came to her domain, and she did not know them.   And now there is a little noise maker who part of the forever picture.   It will be an adjustment. 

Monday, February 13, 2017


Excited to get on the road.  So I got up, read devotions, packed the car,showered quick, and was on my way by 7 am.  Nice day of driving, bright and sunny and not much traffic.  I called one hyvee I passed and they did not have yellow tulips, but the Hyvee near DM did.  I got to Burlington about noon.  Of course I mispunched the voiceover button and after I stopped at Jimmy Johns, I could not plug in the hospital addresss.  Luke came to the rescue with his phone.  Big hospital, but finally I found the room.  Rose is amazing!!!  Karen had many hours of contractions yesterday and the nurse said she really did great!!  Luke is a calm proud daddy.  It is so fun to see them with sweet Rose.  Luke brought yellow tulips for Karen and pink roses for Rose.  Goldsmiths had come last night and were staying at a closeby motel. I left about 3, hit a store, and went to check into the BB.  I had a cup of coffee as she gave me a tour of the house.  After calling Luke, I am staying at their apartment Monday night and the BB on Tuesday night.  I asked Carol if she wanted to stay another day and come back with me.  Pete and Luke ordered chinese for supper that we ate in the family room.