Saturday, February 18, 2017

Made it to Rose town

Up about 7.  Arlan fixed a great breakfast.  Katie, Everett and Aileen came to visit.   We were on the road by 8:30 and arrived in Burlington about 11.    Luke and Karen were out getting groceries.  It was nice to sit in the sun on their big porch.  It was love at first sight when Denny met Rose.  Jean had sent along the prettiest puffy baby quilt.   After the kids got home and Rose fed, Luke grilled brats and we ate outside on the sunny porch.  It was so nice.  We took at walk down to the Mississippi and along the river front.  We watched Rose when Luke and Karen went out to eat for their 5th anniversary.  Fun to them and us.  Luke 'fessed that he did use his phone app to check on our care of Rose while he was eating.  I hope we looked good on his camera!!  He was not able to hear Rose because she didn't cry while they were out to eat.  She just lay in my arms as we watched tv.   I got a picture with a sleeping smile.  So cute.  We stayed at the Countess B&B.  Nice place, next door to the kids' apartment.

Just filled her pants. :)
6 day old smile

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