Just walked one round in the park. Then Gail and I got groceries at Heb. At 9 there was coffee and donuts at the center. Pickle ball after that. And I was having such a good time. Note to self ... Even tho you want to hit that shot that barely goes over the net, it might not be a good idea. Yes, I hit the shot. No, it did not go where I wanted. Yes, it went out of bounds. No, my body could not stop. Yes, I face planted on the court. No, we did not win the game. Yes, I am so happy I still have my front two teeth. It could have been a lot worse. I could have been spending the next 2 weeks going to a Mexican dentist every 3 days. Now that would have been aweful ... so I am so thankful I just have 2 strawberries on my face. Fruit is good for a birthday. I swam laps for about 40 minutes. Gail and Bruce are hosting a after golf tournament party at their place tomorrow. I helped her clean the screened in porch. We went to Boca Chica Beach, Gail and I walked, Bruce took the bike and after walking on the beach for a while, he biked back toward Brownsville. I forgot to get coconut for a pineapple birthday drink I was fixing, so we stopped at dollar General. Besides the coconut, I got cute little umbrellas. Our closest neighbors, Joan and Hendersons came to the deck. I still need to plant the 3 avocado plants. The Jensens are visiting baby Rose, and Denny is watching BB. When I called toight they were working on putting a sliding barn door. Nice to facetime with both groups. Great day in the valley. Just missing Denny.

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