Wednesday, February 8, 2017

AWANA skating

Headed to school about 9 to work on home school library.
Coffee with Kim at hospital coffee shop.  So nice to talk to her.  Then I went to the HS and worked on the homeschool shelves.  I visited and ate an avacado sandwich with Judy K. At home I just wasted time looking at facebook.  There were lots of kids at the skating party.  I mainly helped them put on skates, hung up coats, and skated slowly with clubbers.  I had such a nice visit with Judy.  She had gone to a If conference in Vinton with her daughter-in-law Melissa.  One of the discussion topics was people who have helped you love Jesus more.  Judy said she thought of Maryann and me.  What a blessing God has given me ....  good friends.

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