Thursday, February 23, 2017

93 degrees

My legs had bug bites on them.  I got up early and went to the hot tub.  Hopefully the heat and chlorine would take the itch out.  (It worked kinda, but still kinda itchy).  I ran (?????)  2 1/4 miles this am and walked 1 1/2 miles with Gail and Terry.  I went to the pantry and played cards til about 8.  It was really fun to play pickle ball this am.  We had a lot of good volleys.  I went up to the pool from about 12 to 2, showered and then to the pantry until after 4.  I fixed guacamole.  Last night it was a creamy green.  The recipe called for sour cream with the avocados.  Not my favorite, so I was happy to make the more traditional stuff for supper.  Talked to Denny, a storm is coming.  I played pony tail tonight.  I think the 2 gals from food bank (Ida County)/pantry (Brownsville) kinda look alike.

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