Sunday, February 5, 2017

Super (weekend) bowl

We took kids for donuts before church.  I watched kids in the nursery with Brooks.  After church there was a pizza lunch with Claire and Dave.  It was so good.  I looked at seed catalogs while Denny ironed his clothes.  We went for a three mile walk and talked about what a really nice weekend it had been.  Keelie loves when we walk ... even 2 cats went with us.  What is up about that???
Then watched the super bowl.  guacamole and corn dogs. Quite the snacks.  Quite the overtime outcome.
Putting Keelie out of the garage and into the cold (with access to the bunkhouse doghouse) Denny noticed that she had a bad cut on her left back leg.  We put a wrap on it and Keelie got to stay ... on a rug ... in the house ... in the laundry room.  I may have to take her to the vet for stitches tomorrow afternoon.

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